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General Dentistry in Roslindale, MA
Most of the conditions that negatively affect your smile can be avoided with regular care. Your team at Roslindale Village Dental is committed to answering your questions about proper hygiene and to providing you with the most advanced preventive dentistry possible.
Periodontal Therapy

Dental Exam
The secret to a bright, healthy smile is actually no secret at all: brush, floss and get a professional dental exam at least once every six months. Professional dental exams are all about prevention – preventing existing problems from getting worse and preventing dental problems from developing in the future. Regular dental exams make it possible to identify and treat a problem in its earliest stage – which is not only good for your oral health but also good for your budget!
There's nothing to fear with a dental exam. Your teeth will be visually examined for signs of plaque, tartar and tooth decay. Your gums will also be examined for puffiness or discoloration, which are signs of gum disease. A full set of dental X-rays may also be taken during your dental exam, to enable your dentist to see below the surfaces of your teeth. Dental exams typically end with a dental cleaning, to remove surface stains and buildup.
Dental X-Ray

Teeth Cleaning
No matter how often you brush and floss, plaque and tartar deposits can still build up on your teeth. A professional teeth cleaning is the single most effective way to remove these deposits and prevent them from causing more serious problems in the future. While a traditional teeth cleaning involves manually scraping away these deposits with special dental tools, advances in dental technologies now give you more options for teeth cleanings.
A laser teeth cleaning, also known as an ultrasonic cleaning, is a popular alternative to traditional teeth cleanings. With a laser teeth cleaning, an ultrasonic scaler (rather than a manual probe) is used to remove deposits, kill harmful microbes and eliminate bacteria around the teeth and gums through high-frequency sound waves. Many patients find laser teeth cleanings more comfortable than traditional teeth cleanings because they are quicker, quieter and pain-free.
A deep cleaning may be recommended if excessive plaque and tartar deposits have developed below the gum line. Deep cleanings, also known as scaling and root planing, involve a two-part process: first, the stubborn deposits are removed, and then the root surfaces are smoothened. A deep cleaning helps prevent periodontal disease and restores gum tissues to a healthy state.
Oral Cancer Screening

Night Guard
Want to know one excellent way to combat the bothersome habit of nighttime bruxism, or teeth grinding? Use of a night guard -- every time you sleep. If you think the trouble or expense of a dental night guard isn't worth it, or you aren't even entirely sure it's tooth-grinding behind what seem to be increasingly shorter teeth, headaches, jaw pain and a perturbed sleep partner, it's probably time to visit your dentist. Based on the amount of damage you may have already done and the symptoms you describe, Dr. Esmaeili can determine whether a night mouth guard is right for you.
Got migraines? If so, teeth clenching and bruxism might be at least partly to blame. The NTI appliance -- a type of mouthguard -- might be able to help. The NTI appliance is a tension suppression system, which simply means it prevents the clenching action. No clenching means less wear and tear to your teeth, less jaw pain and even fewer migraines.
Wisdom Tooth Removal

Tooth Extractions
When something is difficult, we say it's like pulling teeth. In reality, tooth extractions are routine dental treatments that help prevent more serious dental problems.
The most common tooth extractions are usually wisdom tooth extractions, but your dentist may also remove a tooth if it's coming in at an angle, threatening the position of other healthy teeth or contributing to overcrowding in the mouth.
In some cases, a broken tooth may also need to be extracted, as well as teeth with significant tooth decay that cannot be treated by a root canal. Patients with advanced gum disease may be considered for tooth extractions as well. While it's your dentist's goal to do everything to save your natural tooth, in the end, removing a potentially harmful tooth can spare you time and discomfort.
Root Canals