Call: (617) 323-3400
New Patient Experience

Digital photographs of each tooth will be taken so that you can see exactly what your dentist sees. You will also have digital radiographs (X-rays) taken that will give you the highest quality images available with the least exposure possible. You can also bring to your appointment previously-taken bitewing X-rays (if less than a year old) and large panoramic X-rays (if less than three years old).
Following your evaluation and X-rays, you will meet with the hygienist for a professional cleaning. Your dentist will meet with you at this time to provide a presentation of our findings regarding your oral health, including any recommended treatment. This is a perfect time for you to ask any questions and to learn all about your care - before we move ahead with your personalized treatment.
For You Convenience each room at Roslindale Village Dental is equipped with massage chair, music, and television.